



What is the ADP program and what are the benefits?

The ADP is for players with above average skills and a strong desire to further enhance their abilities and love for the game.  It provides a higher level of playing and training than Arlington Soccer Association's Recreational Program by grouping players of similar abilities in training and in matches while being observed and trained by professional coaches.

This program will provide players with an opportunity to focus on technical and tactical development in a professional training environment with less commitment, money, travel and time than Travel soccer.  Social, physical and cognitive development, as well as the style of play, will be the priorities each season.


What is the tryout process?

There are 1 day tryouts offered for each age group. The details for the tryouts Get the details and register.

All players are evaluated during these tryouts by the professional ADP coaches and additional evaluators.

ADP selected players to participate in both the Fall and Spring Seasons.  Prior to the Spring season, a tryout will occur in March for any openings in ADP due to players not returning.  Only players not currently in ADP need to tryout.  


How do I determine the right age group for my child?

To determine the appropriate age group for your child, find their birth year in the table below.

Age Groups for 2024-25.



U9 Boys


U9 Girls


U10 Boys


U10 Girls


U11 Boys


U11 Girls


U12 Boys


U12 Girls



Can my child try out for a different age group?

In the ADP Program players must try out for their appropriate age group for their birth year.


How many players are selected for each team?

At present, we anticipate the roster sizes for teams in the ADP as follows:

U9 and U10: 7 vs 7 format with 10-12 players on each roster

U11 and U12: 9 vs 9 format with 13-15 players on each roster

We will adjust to 8v8 if the number of players on the roster call for it.


How are players evaluated and selected for ADP teams?

Tryouts will consist of small-sided games.  Players are evaluated using several criteria during tryouts each year. The three most important areas of evaluation are technical ability, speed, and character.

1) Technical

●       Can a player handle the ball technically under pressure and in tight spaces?

2) Speed

●       Pure Speed – Is the player fast from point A to B?

●       Technical Speed – Can the player handle the ball under pressure?

●       Tactical Speed – Can the player make fast decisions with and without the ball?

3) Character

●       Does the player like to compete?

●       Is he/she a positive influence on the group?

●       Does the player possess a high work rate?

●       Does the player bring passion and energy to the game?

Players are evaluated in these and other areas.  ADP players are registered and placed on teams with the goal of creating balanced and even teams in terms of ability.  We want games that are exciting and close in score, which creates the best environment for a player's development.  Players that are not selected for the ADP will be provided with information on Recreational Soccer and other programs in Arlington Soccer Association.


When and where do ADP teams practice?

Arlington Soccer is allocated fields throughout Arlington by the Arlington County Department of Parks and Recreation.  Teams will be required to train on their given fields at their given day and time.  ADP teams will practice twice a week - - a team session and a pool session.  The team session will be run by the volunteer coach with oversight by a professional coach, and will be 60 minutes long.  These sessions will be assigned a specific day and time. The pool session with the professional coach will be 75 minutes long. Pool practices will be on a turf field. Team practices may be anywhere in the county and are usually on grass fields.  Players and families need to adjust to the assigned practice schedule.  ADP teams will begin training in late August or early September (March/early April in the spring) twice a week for 8-9 weeks with a 7-8 game schedule. All players must train with their assigned team at their assigned team training location and day. We suggest that you work within your team to look for carpool options


Who do ADP teams play?

The ADP teams will have 7-8 scheduled matches during each of the Fall and Spring seasons.  Each team will play other ADP teams in their age group.  Results will not be a priority. The emphasis is placed on the player and team development.  We will report the scores and notes for all games to track trends in the competitive balance within the age groups.


How many teams will the ADP have in my child's age group?

For the 2024-25 season, we expect to have 52 teams overall.  Some age groups may have more teams than others.  This will be based on tryout numbers and the level of talent in the player pool.


What is the ADP Curriclum?  

The curriculum will mirror the travel curriculum to accelerate the ADP player development.


Who will be coaching an ADP game?

The team will have at least 3 volunteer coaches assigned.  Each game will have a professional coach in attendance to support the volunteer coaches, the players, the referees and ensure our program philosophies are upheld.


How are the coaches selected for each team?

Teams are coached by professional coaches and 2 parent volunteer coaches. Arlington Soccer employs a licensed, professional coaching staff under the supervision of the club’s Director of ADP and the Technical Director.  All professional pool coaches are hired and paid by Arlington Soccer.  Volunteer coaches are usually parents, family friends and/or former/current players looking to get into coaching at an early age.  All volunteer coaches must register with the club and complete a background check.  The professional pool coaches work for the club and are placed in pools to benefit the development of each player.  The coaching staff is evaluated each year by the ADP Director and may be rotated among the teams for maximum player development benefits.  


What is the time commitment?

ADP competes in two seasons per year. The Fall season lasts 8-9 weeks from late August to early November.  The Spring season lasts 8-9 weeks from late March to June.  Teams will play approximately 7-8 games per season.  All games will be played on Saturdays or Sundays.  


ADP players are expected to attend all team practices and games.  ADP players may also participate in Rec soccer, but ADP should be their priority.  ADP players may not participate in travel soccer. Arlington Soccer makes a commitment to our professional coaching staff and players. We expect ADP players and families to be fully committed each season as well.


Players that miss training and/or games often may experience limited playing time in games, or may not be invited back to the program.


Can Teams Share Players?

If a team doesn’t have enough players to field a team or have substitutions, a brother or sister team can loan the opponent a player or 2 to play the match.  If possible, this should be coordinated the night before to ensure the game starts on time.  The Team Snap App can be used to communicate between teams. 


Can ADP players train with other teams or pool groups?

We try to avoid this situation as much as possible.  We also want players to train with their teams and teammates so they develop a cohesive unit and become a true team.  Requests for changes due to scheduling conflicts with other sports, other activities, or training with other teams will not be considered.  Please make sure you can commit to the program before accepting the invitation to join ADP.


What is ADP (Travel or Recreational)?

ADP is a travel program.  That means the travel soccer philosophies will be followed when running this program.  Those philosophies include, but not limited to:

· All players are placed on teams for the benefit of creating parity and competition

· We do not specifically place players with friends, former recreational teammates or neighbors

· Selected players are expected to choose ADP games and training over other programs

· Proper behavior and commitment at training and games is expected.  Failure to do that will result in less playing time in training and games.  Players that are overly disruptive, uncommitted or significantly behind in player development will be asked to leave and/or not be invited to return to ADP the following year.

· Conflicts with team or pool sessions are not considered to move players.  Your training day and time is your training day and time, and is scheduled by the club.

Once a player is placed on a team, players stay with that team throughout their years in the program.   If any issue arises, please reach out to your pro coach.


How much does ADP soccer cost?

Each player pays a fee to play in the ADP.  This player fee covers professional coaching salaries, referee fees, state registration fees, player insurance, the club’s administrative expenses, staff salaries, and many other expenses.  


Required player uniforms and practice shirts are purchased online through our uniform supplier, Score.  Families will be contacted when it is time to order uniforms.  

Arlington Soccer believes that financial status should not prevent players from participating in soccer.  We offer financial aid for families in need.  Presently Arlington Soccer covers the costs of financial aid awards using the proceeds from camps and clinics.  Donations from parents registering their children for soccer may also be used.


Is financial aid available, and how does one apply?

Arlington Soccer believes that financial status should not prevent players from participating in soccer.  We offer financial aid for families in need.  Presently Arlington Soccer covers the costs of financial aid awards using the proceeds from camps and clinics.  Donations from parents registering their children for soccer may also be used.

As in all of our programs, financial aid is available to qualified applicants.  Contact the Arlington Soccer office for information - info@arlingtonsoccer.com


Are refunds available after program fees are paid?

If a player withdraws from the program in writing to info@arlingtonsoccer.com prior to August 15th, a refund less an admin fee will be issued.  After August 15th, refunds will only be considered for a documented season-ending inury. Players experiencing a season-ending injury (proved by providing a signed and dated letter from a doctor stating such) will be granted a prorated refund reference the financial aid policy.


What is the ADP Fall Festival?

At the end of the fall season, the club will schedule a fall festival to end the fall season.  Additional will be forthcoming.



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Monday/Wednesday/Friday - 10am-2pm
Tuesday/Thursday - 1pm-5pm

5210 Wilson Blvd
Arlington, VA  22205

703-527-0157 (phone)
703-527-0158 (fax)

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