

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Super Y Program?
Super Y is a nation-wide youth summer league operated by the United Soccer League (USL), which is the largest organization of elite soccer leagues in North America. Divisions within Super Y are organized geographically, and membership in the league is limited to only a few elite programs to ensure strong competition.

As a participating club, Arlington Soccer offers high-performing players the opportunity to continue to train and develop their skills with professional coaches and play highly competitive games against other participating Super Y clubs throughout the summer.

Is Super Y the same as Travel?
Super Y teams are totally separate from Arlington Soccer Travel teams that participate in the usual Fall, Winter, and Spring schedule. All Super Y teams are formed to play together in the summer months only, with the exception of the North American Finals*, and usually, consist of ASA players from various teams as well as players committed to other clubs.

* Any team that receives a bid is required to attend the Super Y League North American Finals, which are held in mid-December in Florida. Only U12 and older teams are eligible for the finals in Florida.

What is the tryout process?
Super Y tryouts are held in January for the summer season and are open to anyone born in the ages listed on the tryout page. All players are evaluated during these tryouts by the team coaches and other evaluators based on several criteria, including technical ability, speed, and character. Selected players are notified shortly after tryouts are completed.

What are the age groups?
Please visit the tryout page for updated age groups offered each year.

When are the tryouts?
Tryouts will be announced in mid-December and be held in January/February for the coming Super Y season.

Can my child try out for a different age group?
All players must try out in their appropriate birth year. A player may not try out for a different age group unless they receive prior approval from the Age Group Director.

How many teams will there be in each age group?
Typically, there will be one or two Girls and one Boys team in each age group.

How many players are selected for each team?
The roster size for Super Y teams ranges from 20-22 players. Rosters are slightly higher than a typical travel team in order to accommodate for potential conflicts with players’ summer schedules.

Who are the coaches?
Teams are coached by professional coaches. Arlington Soccer employs a licensed, professional coaching staff under the supervision of the club’s Director of Coaching.

When is the season?
The season begins in mid-June and ends in mid-August.

What is the time commitment?
Teams will have two practices each week and play approximately 7-10 games, which are played during the week and on weekends.

When and where do Super Y teams practice?
Teams will have two practices each week during the season. Arlington Soccer is allocated fields throughout Arlington by the Arlington County Department of Parks and Recreation and each Super Y team will have a different practice schedule and location.

Who and where do we play?
Teams play against other participating Super Y clubs and most games are played within 30-90 minutes of the local area. Half of all games will be played at home at an Arlington County field.

Is my player required to attend all practices and games?
Given that the season is during the summer it is anticipated that players may have other family commitments that prevent them from attending every Super Y event. However, it is expected that all players communicate timely with the coach and team manager if they will not be available for a practice and/or game in order to allow sufficient time to accommodate the roster.

How much does it cost?
The fee for Super Y is $725-775 and typically includes two game day jerseys.  

Is financial aid available?
As in all of our programs, financial aid is available to qualified applicants. If a player received financial aid from Arlington Soccer during the Travel Soccer year, or applied for financial aid from Arlington Soccer and been approved but no funds were available, please contact info@arlingtonsoccer.com. For more information on financial aid and how to apply, click here.

Are refunds available?
Please click here for the Super Y refund policy.

Additional questions?
Please contact info@arlingtonsoccer.com

Super Y Links



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