

Sports Recruits

Sports Recruits

Arlington Soccer Association is excited to announce our partnership with Sports Recruits App for our high school age groups in an effort to further assist our players in connecting them to the collegiate level.

As we strive to engage players, parents, and our own staff in the recruiting process, the club is providing this robust tool to every high school age player/family.

The Sports Recruits app provides our players with a competitive advantage over a typical student-athlete navigating the recruiting process. This comprehensive system allows for individuals to take ownership of their future by equipping them with tools necessary to find a home at the college level. As a club, we are committed to not only player development, but truly being a catalyst in helping our players fulfill their dreams of playing collegiate athletics and accessing higher education. The Sports Recruits app will provide uniformity to the club's recruiting efforts and will allow for our coaching staff to take a much more personal approach in helping our athletes throughout the process.

We look forward to facilitating the recruiting efforts of every family looking to play at the next level.

To register, please visit https://www.sportsrecruits.com/ and login using the credentials provided. For login assistance, please email info@arlingtonsoccer.com.

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Monday/Wednesday/Friday - 10am-2pm
Tuesday/Thursday - 1pm-5pm

5210 Wilson Blvd
Arlington, VA  22205

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