

COVID-19 Illness or Exposure* Information

COVID-19 Illness or Exposure* Information

Limited information is available to characterize the spectrum of clinical illness, transmission efficiency, and the duration of viral shedding for persons with COVID-19. This guidance is based on available information about COVID-19 and subject to change as additional information becomes available.


  • Per the club protocol, as a reminder players who have a fever or are ill should not attend any in-person session.
  • If a player has a known exposure* to a person who has been tested positive for COVID-19 or a known exposure to a person who has been otherwise diagnosed with COVID-19: 
    • the parent/guardian is required to email ReturnToPlay@arlingtonsoccer.com within 24 hours of identification
    • player should self-isolate until the RTP committee releases and the player should not attend in-person sessions.  (See below for Return to Play after Illness/Exposure details)
  • If another institution (academic, athletic, etc) has identified and restricted participation in their activities, Arlington Soccer respects that identification, and, at a minimum, will mirror those restrictions.

    • the parent/guardian is required to email ReturnToPlay@arlingtonsoccer.com within 24 hours of identification,
    • player should self-isolate until cleared by the RTP committee, and the player should not attend in-person sessions.  (See below for Return to Play after  Illness/Exposure details)
  • If a player has symptoms consistent with COVID-19 or has been diagnosed with COVID-19 (by a health professional or through a positive test): 
    • the parent/guardian is required to email ReturnToPlay@arlingtonsoccer.com within 24 hours of identification,
    • player should self-isolate until cleared by the RTP committee, and the player should not attend in-person sessions. (See below for Return to Play after Illness/Exposure details)

COMMUNICATION:  If a player has been diagnosed with COVID-19 (by a health professional or through a positive test), has attended a team in-person session, and has notified the club as directed, the club will notify the entire team of the exposure while protecting the confidentiality of the individual's identity.


The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) has adopted the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations to shorten isolation and quarantine periods for the public.

 If You Test Positive (Isolate)
Everyone, regardless of vaccination status, should:

  • Stay home (isolate) for 5 days after you test positive.
  • Wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth when around others for 10 days.
  • If you have no symptoms OR your symptoms are improving after 5 days with no fever, you can leave your home while wearing a mask around others.
  • Continue to isolate after day 5 if symptoms do not improve. Seek medical care for any new or worsening symptoms.

The highest risk of spreading COVID-19 is during the first 5 days, but spread is still possible for up to 10 days after infection. People may choose to isolate for the full 10 days after testing positive for COVID-19.

If You are Exposed to COVID-19 (Quarantine)

Stay home (quarantine) for 5 days. (accommodations mat be made for fully vaccinated individuals - please contact ReturnToPlay@arlingtonsoccer.com to review your case).
Wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth when around others for 10 days.
Test on Day 5, if possible.
If you develop symptoms, get tested and stay home.


Return to Play -Protocol and Reminders

Return to Play -Protocol and Reminders

 For the safety of our players, our coaches and our community, we will follow strict protocols to mitigate the risk and safely return to play.

Each person (player, parent, coach) takes an active role in contributing to their personal health, as well as the safety of their teammates, coach and community. Please take the time to review this protocol with your family.

Some important highlights include:

  • If you are sick or experience any COVID-19 symptoms or have been exposed to someone who is sick or having these symptoms, STAY HOME.  
  • If you feel uncomfortable participating or are high risk, STAY HOME. Return to play is voluntary. 
  • Prior to attending any travel team session, a player or parent must indicate that they are "AVAILABLE" in the Team Snap program indicating that you are do not have symptoms and have not been exposed.
  • By attending the session, you are certifying that your child’s temperature has been taken before practice and that they do not have a fever of 100.4 or higher.  You are also certifying that your player does not have a cough, shortness of breath, chills, sore throat or muscle aches.
  • All players and coaches should continue to maintain appropriate social distancing when not actively playing.
  • Players and coaches should wear a mask whenever not able to maintain appropriate physical distance.
  • Players should bring a water bottle, ball, face covering, and hand sanitizer to each session. Do not share water or equipment. Put your name on all your equipment.



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Monday/Wednesday/Friday - 10am-2pm
Tuesday/Thursday - 1pm-5pm

5210 Wilson Blvd
Arlington, VA  22205

703-527-0157 (phone)
703-527-0158 (fax)

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