

Travel Tryouts - 2017/2018 Birth Years - U9

Travel Tryouts - 2017/2018 Birth Years - U9

Arlington Soccer is excited to announce Travel Tryouts for the 2025-2026 seasonal year - open to the rising U9 age group (players born in 2017 and 2018).  Registration is required.

Tryouts will be held on April 6, 26, and 27. 

  • Girls:  4:45-6:00 PM
  • Boys:   6:15-7:30 PM

Location will be provided to the registrants.  Players should attend as many sessions as possible.

To register, visit arlingtonsoccer.com and click on REGISTER.  Then, once in the registration program, choose the Travel Tryouts option in the drop down menu of step 2.2

Details about tryouts for other age group will be available later in March.

If you have any questions please reach out to info@arlingtonsoccer.com

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Monday/Wednesday/Friday - 10am-2pm
Tuesday/Thursday - 1pm-5pm

5210 Wilson Blvd
Arlington, VA  22205

703-527-0157 (phone)
703-527-0158 (fax)

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